How do you pull of an elaborate Prank for a national TV audience? Well, just ask Joko Wintersheidt (that name though) and Klaus Heufer-Umlauf from the TV show Circus HalliGalli who went out of their way to try and get their hands on the prestigious Award of the Golden Camera, which is an annual German film and television award, awarded by the television magazine ‘Horzu’
Now, we know it’s in German but you have to give these two comedians credit, firstly because German’s aren’t famous for their humor and also for momentarily pulling the wool over the eyes of the whole German public and also to that of the eyes of Nicole Kidman & Jane Fonda. Let’s have a look and we encourage you to fast forward through some bits, but please do catch the preparation of this whole operation in the beginning of the video, as well. This was planned ahead, how else could a fake Ryan Gosling pass through the pretentiousness of these Awards’ organisers in order to claim this award?
Catch the reveal of Gosling Gate incident at 11 minutes in and as you can see this was a meticulous operation of pure German intelligence, in smuggling a half lookalike “chef” from Munich, that somewhat resembles Ryan Gosling into the Awards show in the first place, then honoring him with a Golden Camera Award for his role in the film, .
The German language aside, nobody has achieved such an utter disregard for an Awards show ever and perhaps this may will be a new trend, although, we don’t think it would fly at next years Oscars, where security is so tight, that you’d be felled a the first hurdle of probably way over 35+ security check points, just to enter into such a ceremony, but not in Germany however.
They fooled everyone and the event organizers, who must have been really pleased and surprised that Ryan Gosling decided to pick up this award in person. The presenter cued him in with, “The One and Only Ryan Gosling”.
He didn’t even know it wasn’t going to be Ryan Gosling and the crowd was totally bemused to say the least, especially after La La Land didn’t win Best Picture at The Academy Awards, well now at least a lookalike of Ryan Gosling picked up this award for La La Land, but we are all still wondering which award this Chef really picked up, on part of Ryan Gosling. Which award, please let’s have one of our German friends to enlighten us, please?

Joko and Klaus here having the last laugh. Perhaps, the only one’s laughing. PhotoCredit: Proseiben
“Good evening, I am Ryan Gosling!’ I dedicate this award to Joko and Klass, thank you very much. There is a saying in Hamburg, which is, “bye, bye!” said Ludwig Lehner, the Chef from Munich, before walking off the stage, which was followed by the half insulted and weirded out faces of Nicole Kidman, Jane Fonda and even Colin Farrell that were present in the crowd (wishing that they weren’t) wearing their translation ear buds, in order to understand what in the hell was really going on?!
Joko and Klass’s elaborate prank in convincing event organizers by posing as a PR agency with ties to Ryan Gosling, encouraging them to cater an Award especially to Ryan Gosling, provided that he would actually show up and claim the Award and they finally did it! They won and its looks like La La Land almost lost again. Did they lose again? Say it isn’t so, Ryan Gosling won, didn’t he?
Congratulations to Joko and Klass on a job well done, but where is Ryan Gosling in all of this?
Brainstain, over and out!
<Story by The Narrator>
Featured Photo Credit: Her Campus