In the deranged world of 72 gender identities penned by democratic socialists across the world, with even hints to a secret occult agenda of indoctrination in our schooling systems, that seemingly wants to turn everyone gay and or transgender by pushing too many gender role identities, plus pushing identity politics too far and teaching too many transgender issues onto young children and teens, then what happens? Well, ultimately, you’re making many young children and teens very confused, indeed.
One person who thinks the same is Cathy Ellott of St. Mary’s Ascot, who has warned of a “real danger” of heterosexuality being ignored in favour of lessons on gay and transgender issues. Cathy Ellott, who no doubt encounters many kids daily, would probably be a good judge on this topic. She said, “it is important to continue to discuss relationships between men and women because this is the ‘majority experience'”.
In hindsight, ever since transgender and gay issues have become apart of the schooling syllabus, young heterosexual people may now start to feel alienated; gender and orientation studies of LGBT issues have seemingly gone a little too far focused onto the schooling systems indoctrination methods by now, perhaps?
As things stand, many teachers are now unable to call boys, “boys” and girls, “girls” in schools, since you have to refer to them merely as “students” for fear of mispronouncing a gender pronoun or gender identity. That surely could be hampering the identities of many young children and teens that feel that they might be pressured into feeling like they are in some way different, than they would be inclined to think of themselves as they were born to be, whether that would be heterosexual, gay or transgender. Yes, it can happen through this liberal indoctrination and political correctness debacle on gender studies and pushing a gender neutral agenda through the schooling system, you see?
It’s almost as if young children are forced to question their gender by the schooling system these days…
This is also something which has been heavily pushed in the media via the news and entertainment in recent decades. Whatever happened to letting kids choose and decide who they want to be, without pushing political correctness and gender studies down on children and young teens?
Cathy Ellott says that heterosexual relationships also need “to be learned about and celebrated” equally, so that these children are suitably prepared for adult life.
She also added that her all girls boarding school in Berkshire would also continue using the word “girls” as opposed to gender neutral language. St. Mary’s will continue to refer to itself as a “school for girls”.
Her interview with the Independent School Parent magazine comes after the Government introduced compulsory relationships classes for children of all ages. That sounds like a good thing, however with the Equality Act in place, it’s mandatory to teach about same sex relationships and transgender studies to children as young as five years old. That doesn’t sound that good to us. Who’s teaching these things to kids that are five years old?! In some other schools, they’re teaching them at an even younger age!
Yes, a number of schools are rolling out gay relationships and gender dysphoria on basically, toddlers. But at St. Mary’s, pupils learn about LGBT issues, but they are not the prime focus of relationship lessons, which seems to be becoming the norm in other schools if recent liberal trends are anything to go by.
Cathy Ellott reiterated that there’s a “real danger” that too much emphasis on alternative lifestyles could sow confusion in youngsters. Cathy said, “There is a danger that the other sexualities are discussed, and heterosexuality – which is the majority experience – is ignored rather than learned about and celebrated.”
At St. Mary’s, pupils are taught about transgender issues as part of its PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) studies, as well as relationship and sex education “within the context of its Catholic ethos”.
“This means that, although the girls are educated about transgender issues, they are encouraged to develop their own response to these issues, guided by their faith.”
St. Mary’s will not change the words of “boys” or “girls”, unlike some schools, who are deathly afraid of mispronouncing somebody’s perceived gender role nowadays due to socialist political correctness, that’s gone into some serious overdrive by now.
Ellot stated, “We use “pupils” in formal situations and documentation, and often use “girls” when addressing the girls. The girls themselves have said that they prefer this.”
She went on to say that if there are any girls that wish to transition than that would be dealt with on an individual basis, “We would work very closely with the girl, her parents and where necessary other health professionals to consider what is best for the girl within a girls’ full-boarding school environment”.
Mrs. Ellot also voiced concerns that some children are facing medical intervention if they question their gender at a young age, with figures in the UK showing that at the NHS Gender Identity Development Service, numbers have soared over the last six years. This is where children can be given hormones to block puberty, which will make transitioning easier after the age of 16.
Mrs. Ellott wrapped up her interview by saying: “If children suffering from gender dysphoria require medical support to flourish, then I am pleased that these services are available. However, I have serious concerns about medical intervention in children as part of a transitioning process.”
We feel Mrs. Ellot is surely onto something here, but in uber liberal places like California (and across the world), parents are seemingly pushing their children as young as toddlers to choose their gender, perhaps leading them down the wrong path with no direct say in choosing themselves, if they wish to stay a boy or become a girl. Or vice versa.
Logically, if you can’t vote, drink and or do many things legally, should parents push children to be able to choose their gender so freely at the age of five or six years old, goading them into this warped belief that they might not be in their correct gender, where nowadays young kids are seen cross dressing and even encouraged to do so?
This could be detrimental to their mental health and their future if it’s not done correctly. Here’s a photo from Drag Queen Story Time at Michelle Obama’s library in Long Beach, teaching toddlers about transgender fairytales etc. There’s something unnerving about this picture, isn’t there? Welcome to California…
Yes, in these gender neutral times, it is important to teach about all orientation, and not favour one for the other, with one being hip and trendy and being pushed onto children through the schooling indoctrination. Instead, you should let youngsters find out themselves in the natural way, such has always been the way in the past, unlike this story here.
Let’s face it, the equality on gender and orientation, and the acceptance of different people has already been achieved in society without pushing too many transgender studies into children’s faces from a very young age. This new stuff that they’re doing will ultimately confuse them.
Brainstain, over and out!
<Story by The Narrator>
Featured Photo Credit: Entec Sound and Light