David Hogg Rejected by Top US Colleges & Emma Gonzalez Gets Called a Communist

David Hogg is that polarised pretend teenager, who’s actually a crisis actor and a future CNN wannabe news anchor, who actually graduated from High School in Redondo Beach, California, back in 2014. Plus, David Hogg is the outspoken gun banning advocate that actually works for John (pedophile) Podesta’s Center for American Progress, which makes him unable to stay out of the news. Hmmm… So naturally, many people are against this nearly twenty-five year old high schooler by now and they’re also against the emergence of his bona fide ball-headed communist side-kick preacher, named Emma Gonzalez, since they’re claiming that they’re going to “change the world” with their gun control virtue signalling antics, but that’s hardly the case, is it?

David Hogg who claims along with the mainstream media that he’s only 17-years old, now also claims that he’s been rejected by no less than four top colleges. Perhaps, they just didn’t want some older left wing nut on their campus, who’s had no less than at least four gap years since he actually graduated back in 2014. We wonder what he’s really been up to and plenty of colleges are probably asking the same thing… Hence the college rejection letters, perhaps?

Yes, David Hogg has become almost more synonymous for online mockery than he has been for championing this movement that he claims will change the world. But now he has also revealed that he’s had his college applications rejected from UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine, all of which are in his home state of California.

Hogg said “I’m unfazed and that I’m going to change the world anyway.”

However, he’s not the only one of the Parkland students that have also had their applications to numerous colleges rejected. Student Ryan Deitsch, 17, was also turned down by UCLA, but David Hogg claims that he has other avenues for college with a 4.2 GPA and a 1270 score on the SATs, with Florida Atlantic University, California Polytechnic and California State University San Marcos, as alternate options.

David Hogg makes his stance, which has the imagery of Adolf Hitler and the Hitler youth all in one! Credit: EPA

David Hogg told TMZ that “It’s been kind of annoying having to deal with that and everything else that’s been going on but at this point, you know, we’re changing the world.”

He added, “We’re too busy. Right now it’s hard to focus on that.”

David Hogg explained about his rejection letters, in probably the smartest thing that he’s ever said, “I am not surprised at all honestly I think there’s a lot of amazing people who don’t get to college not only that do things like I do but because their voices just aren’t heard in the tsunami of people who apply every year for college in such an economic impacted school system which we have here in America where people have to go into massive amounts of debt just to go to college and get an education. I think it’s really sad but it’s the truth.”

But then finishing on a rather naive note, in which he said, “Right now, I have no clue. I haven’t even thought about it, honestly. It is absolutely disappointing but at this point we’re already changing the world. If colleges want to support us in that, great, if they don’t it doesn’t matter, we’re still going to change the world.”

Other student and gun control demander, Emma Gonzalez, was revealed by David Hogg to be heading to the liberal arts school of New College of Florida, after her graduation, however, she’s also back in the news because GOP congressman Steve King has doubled down on his comments about her, stating on social media that, ‘This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage… and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense.

Credit:  SteveKing

Despite the post sparking fury from liberal snowflakes, Republican (GOP) congressman Steve King defended the meme because Emma Gonzalez is promoting communism and we’d just have to agree.

Emma Gonzalez who took to the stage during March for Our Lives along with David Hogg, delivered a speech along with six and half minutes of silence, which is the time it took for shooter Nikola Cruz to murder the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14th, 2017, whilst Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told his police department to stay outside whilst the killing continued and the FBI were even aware of Nikolas’ threat long before the Parkland shooting even happened, so Emma has once again come under fire for the overall gun banning propaganda, you see?

Congressman Steve King doubles down on Emma Gonzalez in latest social media post. Credit: GettyImages

After a barrage of criticism for Steve King, a representative for GOP King told the New York Daily News, that, ‘The meme in question merely points out the irony of someone pushing gun control while wearing the flag of a country that was oppressed by a communist, anti-gun regime. Pretty simple, really.’

Not long after David Hogg came to Emma Gonzalez’s defence over King’s meme, and began posting tweets of his own. David Hogg to the rescue, dun-dun-dun!

The virtue signalling idiocy of David Hogg knows no bounds, since liberalism is quite clearly a mental disorder, whilst trying to reign in the New World Order. Credit: DavidHogg111/Twitter

But, David Hogg then proceeded to tweet some more and as he went on, none of it made any sense or had any correlation, such as is synonymous with liberals when they’re losing an argument, which usually results in throwing their toys out the pram and saying that something is “racist!”

Credit: DavidHogg111/Twitter

Had he been drinking at the time of the tweets? Nobody knows, but he seemingly failed to realise the totalitarian agenda that he serves in wanting to disarm American citizens from their 2nd amendment rights, or did he even realise that just yet? (we think he knows…)

But David Hogg even got a response from Steve King, and who hilariously pointed out that David Hogg cannot vote, if he is indeed 17-years old, like he claims he is…

Credit: SteveKingIA/Twitter

Savage! That’s what it would be called in the online community and so what could David Hogg do to reply? Well, virtue signal for the cause, of course!

Credit: DavidHogg111/Twitter

David Hogg is pushing his agenda, but the American public are not buying into it, with NRA membership sky rocketing since he emerged and more and more people are now arming themselves, despite the student led propaganda and virtue signalling celebrity endorsements to confiscate the 2nd amendment.

Credit: TeenVogue/Twitter

Now let’s show some tweets from people in the Twittersphere after Teen Vogue placed David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez of the Stoneman Marjory Douglas High School students on their latest magazine spread, in an attempt to brainwash the public into seeing the necessity to give up their firearms. Let’s just say that it didn’t convince many, at all! Get ready for a Tweet storm!

Credit: Twitter


Credit: Twitter


Credit: Twitter


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Credit: Twitter


Credit: Twitter


Credit: Twitter


Credit: Twitter


There you have it!  The student led propaganda machine isn’t working and the banning of guns isn’t the answer, since that’s something written in the constitution of The United States of America by the forefathers in 1787, who would most definitely think if they were alive today, that the liberal lefts’ desperate attempts to overthrow an able President and change their made laws by the use of teenagers, a lying porn star and plenty of fake news, to be extremely dishonourable to America.


Story by The Narrator

Featured Photo Credit: National Review

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