Corey Feldman Attacked by Wolfpack of Hispanic Men in Los Angeles

Now for some frightening news from Los Angeles, California, as former child star and actor Corey Feldman was reportedly attacked on Tuesday night in his car, when his security detail was distracted by the “wolfpack” of Hispanic men. Real fears now grow that Corey Feldman was injected with a syringe and we sincerely hope that he’s okay.

Corey Feldman, 46, checked out of hospital on Wednesday morning after he was stabbed with an unknown weapon on Tuesday night. He thankfully had no visible wounds after the attack, but that’s still a cause for concern. Corey Feldman’s lawyer says that he now believes the actor was attacked with a syringe by a Hispanic man who had tried to jump him and his two friends.

LAPD said a man approached the window of Feldman’s vehicle on Tuesday night and made a “jabbing motion” at Corey after managing to open the car door, however, the LAPD denied Corey’s claim that the incident was being looked at as an attempted homicide.

Corey Feldman photographed laying in a hospital bed after the stabbing incident in Los Angeles. Credit: Twitter

Corey Feldman had mentioned back in November last year that he had been receiving death threats after speaking out about a pedophile ring in Hollywood, as well as outing three specific child molesters in the entertainment industry. Corey Feldman tweeted this out, after being released from hospital.

Credit: Corey_Feldman/Twitter


Credit: Corey_Feldman/Twitter

Perry Wander, Feldman’s lawyer, stated that Corey filed a police report after three Hispanic men appeared and tried to fight him and his security guard, with one of the men then stabbing the actor with a sharp object while his security was distracted by the other two men.

DNA and fingerprint samples were taken at the scene by the LAPD, as the police investigate an assault with a deadly weapon. It would be naive to think that this was just a random attack, after Corey Feldman had earlier said the following when he appeared on Megan Kelly’s Today show, “The most important thing is that I have security. Somebody tried to kill me the other day. I’ve been arrested. This is no joke. I’m fearing for my life.”

This followed on from when he first began speaking out about pedophilia in the industry, which later saw his band arrested in New Orleans whilst out on tour. They had their tour bus searched by Police in an event of mysterious timing, which then sparked Corey to talk further about the systemic pedophilia in the film industry, and about the sexual abuse that he suffered as a child actor in Hollywood.

Corey Feldman appeared on Megan Kelly’s Today show in October 2017. Credit: Today

A GoFundMe campaign later followed, where Corey Feldman wanted to try to raise $10 million dollars to produce a feature film which would reveal a certain pedophile ring in the industry. The $10 million original pledge was later scrapped down to a $100,000 for his “truth campaign.

Not long after, Corey Feldman stated that he was nearly ran over by two trucks coming at him in Los Angeles, he said at the time, “I had two trucks come speeding at me at the same time. I’m not saying they were trying to kill Corey Feldman. But they were trying to kill a group of people walking across the street.”

Corey Feldman later appeared on the Dr. Oz show and revealed that Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s officers back in 1993, had not investigated the child molestation information that he told them about, when they wanted to grill him on an unsuccessful investigation into Michael Jackson at the time.

Feldman said, “In 1993, I told the Santa Barbara Police Department, when they came to interrogate me about Michael Jackson, when they came to convince me that he was a pedophile. And I said he’s not.”

“And I said, ‘I’ve been molested.’ They said, ‘by who?’ I said, ‘I can give you the names, here they are.’ And they said, ‘that’s not our area. That’s outside of our community.”

Corey Feldman’s first appearance on the Dr. OZ show. Credit:

This prevailed the Dr. Oz show appearance, which was a catalyst for police to investigate the earlier information that Corey Feldman had provided back in 1993. This prompted Feldman to later name only two abusers: former manager Jon Grissom, and talent manager Marty Weiss. Both of them had already been charged for other charges of child molestation. Another name of an abuser was later revealed as Alphy Hoffman on the Dr. Oz show.

However, in November last year, the LAPD revealed that they were also investigating a reported Hollywood pedophile ring, after Corey Feldman filed a formal police report identifying the men, a spokesman said, “Corey Feldman filed a report with the Los Angeles Police Department. There is no further information at this time, and his report is being investigated.”

It is unclear who Corey Feldman revealed to the investigating police since then, or if he even mentioned any new names at all, as part of an official investigation into the systemic industry pedophilia present in Hollywood.

In the book, ‘‘, Feldman revealed all about being a star in Hollywood in the 80’s alongside late friend Corey Haim, where the sexual abuse they suffered as child stars was revealed in more detail, which many people believe propelled Corey Haim into a life of drug addiction and his later death. Actor Charlie Sheen was later implicated for allegedly coercing a young Corey Haim into sex on the set of the 1986 film, ‘Lucas’, an allegation which Charlie Sheen later denied, but that many are convinced that he is still guilty of.

Corey Haim and Corey Feldman in ‘License to Drive’. Credit: BusinessInsider

We sincerely hope that Corey Feldman is “all okay” after Tuesday’s attack, and that he gets the protection and any medical attention that he needs. One wonders if he should just try to stay away from Los Angeles for a while, or at least have more security detail going forward. Let’s sincerely hope that Corey Feldman avoided anything serious in the attack, since he definitely has the support of all his fans that grew up watching him in countless unforgettable films.

As for any ongoing investigations into this attack, we hope that the culprits are found, and that Corey Feldman is really okay after this scary incident. Here at Brainstain, we stand with Corey Feldman, and commend his bravery in speaking out about the pedophilia epidemic in Hollywood, which has only been coming to light in recent years.

Could this attack on Corey Feldman have been an orchestrated attempt on his life? We believe so and encourage everyone to pray for Corey Feldman at this time.


Story by The Narrator

Featured Photo Credit: Los Angeles Times


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