Leaked David Hogg Video Exposes His True Origins

With so much fanfare, furore and relatable anger about the emergence of David Hogg in the mainstream media claiming to be a student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, with CNN and himself lying about his origins whilst pushing a student… Continue Reading

Paul Ryan states “We Shouldn’t Be Banning Guns for Law-Abiding Citizens”

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has dashed the hopes of prominent anti-NRA Parkland students David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez by downplaying suggestions that action may be taken to introduce radical gun reforms in the wake of the Florida shootings last… Continue Reading

Parkland School Massacre Sees Mysterious Evidence Emerging

After the horrible school shooting on February 14th, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Nikolas Cruz was arrested for the massacre. Since then, tragedy, disbelief, tears and a call for a ban on guns by crisis… Continue Reading

Parkland Student Kyle Kashuv Tells Sheriff Scott Israel to Resign

Kyle Kashuv, a true student at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida, who was there when the shooting occurred, appeared on FOX News this Sunday with Leland Vittert, to counter other Parkland students’ promoted activism regarding the need to… Continue Reading

President Donald Trump Retweets Crisis Actor Exposer Wayne Dupree

President Donald Trump recently retweeted a post from radio show host, Wayne Dupree, who four years ago tweeted that mainstream news networks used crisis actors after the Sandy Hook school shooting. All of this has cropped up amidst the recent… Continue Reading

Florida School Shooting: Should Armed War Veterans be Present in Schools?

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida was carried out by mentally ill gunman Nikolas Cruz (19), an orphaned teen that suffered from behavioural problems, who was expelled from school, and may have had Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder… Continue Reading