Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore Says George Soros “Will Go To Hell”

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been going through a left-wing political witch hunt of late. The left have been making allegations that Roy Moore had sex with teenage girls, (the age of consent in Alabama is 16-years old… Continue Reading

Eminem Embarrasses Himself at the BET Hip Hop Awards with Anti-Trump Freestyle

What’s happened to Eminem? Do you remember when Eminem used to be relevant? Well, it’s been a few years since then, after many lacklustre songs in recent years, now he’s unfortunately carried this trend on with a cringeworthy acapella rap at… Continue Reading

Prince Harry Makes Satanic Hand Gesture Next to Melania Trump

Now we were going to let this one slide and wait for some fun social media reactions first, but we couldn’t resist reporting on this ASAP. Prince Harry of the British Royal Family appeared alongside Melanie Trump at the Invictus… Continue Reading

White House Petition To Have George Soros Labelled A Terrorist Needs More Signatures

Now here’s some news that we can really get behind, and we believe that everyone who can sign this petition, should do so for the sanctity of America and the whole world. Yes, according to the website Big League Politics,… Continue Reading

Donald Trump Calls Out The Violent “Alt-Left”

Sometimes it feels like you just can’t get real news on television and mainstream media channels anymore. In all likelihood, they’ve colluded with the establishment and the shadow government backed by the Democrats to try and overthrow Donald Trump, and… Continue Reading

CNN’s Jim Acosta Tries to Berate Trump; Gets Served

After the riot in Charlottesville on Saturday, President Donald J. Trump has condemned the attack along with VP Mike Pence numerous times, however, the colluded fake news channels that only serve to cause uproar in the nation following on from… Continue Reading

National Enquirer Releases Investigation into Hillary Clinton’s Evil Plans To Frame the Trump Family

In this day and age of Establishment media’s fake news, democratic-socialist-satanic collusion on news networks, and CNN being named the Clinton News Network/Clown News Network, it’s surprising yet satisfying that the National Enquirer, famed for its gossip and also for… Continue Reading

Why Multiculturalism in Sweden Has Been A Massive Failure. Has Socialism failed us?

So, we’re back at it again! And what better way to start off this joyous morning then by pointing out the obvious with your morning Cappuccino, and that’s that Socialist ventures in many countries such as Sweden, who are now… Continue Reading