Barack Obama Tells Jay-Z to Stop Hip-Hop Artists from Supporting Trump

Former President Barack Obama, who’s dangerous legacy has now been completely undone by current President Donald Trump in less than 18 months, has now called upon Jay-Z to prevent other Hip Hop artists from meeting or even supporting the current… Continue Reading

Spotify Removes R Kelly From Playlists & Tidal Accused of Inflating Streaming Numbers

In digital streaming news, Spotify has recently announced that they have removed singer R. Kelly from playlists on their streaming services. His songs and indeed, his whole catalogue has been removed from the streaming services playlists, such as on their mood-based… Continue Reading

#WhoBitBeyonce: Beyonce Fans Investigate Who Bit the Singer at After Party

Fans of the famous pop star Beyonce are taking to social media to “investigate” who bit her after it was reported that she was bitten on the face at an after party. This is news! Come on you people of the Bey-hive,… Continue Reading

Emma Watson Displays Grammatically Incorrect ‘Time’s Up’ Tattoo at Oscars

Maybe she was too busy working on her ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ wand stroke than her grammar at Hogwarts, but it seems everyone’s friendly neighbourhood feminist wanted to prove being illiterate wouldn’t stop her from virtue signalling that men are complete and… Continue Reading

Why Valentines Day Is Totally Sexist Towards Men

Good morning everyone! It’s Valentines Day, and it’s estimated that there will be roughly 2,654 false sexual assault accusations made towards men today. With statistics like that, who says romance is dead? Many of these claims will be made from disgruntled… Continue Reading

Is Rihanna Secretly Turning Everyone Gay?

Those subliminal Riri lyrics that are currently being transferred to the subconscious of your mind every time you hear “come here rude boy, boy can you get it up” could actually be slowly metamorphosing you into a rainbow coloured, gender-non-conforming… Continue Reading

Jay-Z Gets Exposed

If you’re a brainwashed liberal, a deluded Democrat, or simply a person that’s totally bamboozled by the Fake News networks, then you might have enjoyed Jay-Z appearing on CNN’s new Van Jones Show, where political left-wing pundit Van Jones proceeded… Continue Reading

8 Alternative Names for Baby Chicago West

After leaving us in sheer suspense for what feels like an entire eternity, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West finally revealed the name of their third child, the aptly named… Chicago. Kim announced the baby name on her official app and… Continue Reading

5 Reasons Why You Should Absolutely Never Swallow Laundry Pods

Generation Z continue to prove just how stupid they are. What with not knowing what a VHS tape is or knowing the difference between Beyoncé and a dial-up-modem, our favourite Buzzfeed reading teens and non-binaries can now add laundry pods… Continue Reading

The Undiplomatic Guide to the 71 Genders on Facebook

Did you know that there are currently more gender options available on Facebook than there are countries in Europe (and that’s not including non E.U shit hole monstrosities like El Salvador and Haiti either, obviously) Though saying that, Sweden isn’t exactly… Continue Reading