Homeless Man Story By GoFundMe Couple Was Made Up To Scam Donors

Now for some hot off the press shocking news that’s almost as bad as the Clinton Foundation’s scamming and stealing of the 2010 earthquake relief funds in Haiti by the hundreds of millions of dollars. However, in this instance, the… Continue Reading

Crazy News, Crime ABC Good Morning America, america, Burlington County, Burlington County New Jersey, Burlington County Police New Jersey, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Foundation crimes, Clinton Foundation Haiti, Clinton Foundation Haiti earthquake relief funds, Clinton Foundation Haiti funds, Clinton Foundation scam, Conspiracy, Crazy news, Crazy News stories, crime, Crime USA, Fake GoFundMe page, GoFundMe, GoFundMe scam, GoFundMe Scam Kate McClure Johnny Bobbitt Mark D'Amico, Good Morning America, Haiti earthquake relief funds, homeless, Homeless Man Story By GoFundMe Couple Was Made Up To Scam Donors, homeless problem, homeless problem USA, homelessness, homelessness USA, investigators raiding the McClure rural New Jersey home with a search warrant, Johnny Bobbit Clare McClure Mark D'Amico charged with conspiracy and theft by deception after a complaint, Johnny Bobbit Good Morning America, Johnny Bobbitt, Johnny Bobbitt GoFundMe, Johnny Bobbitt GoFundMe scam, Kate McClure, Kate McClure and Mark D'Amico claiming the money would be all for Bobbit, Kate McClure GoFundMe, Kate McClure GoFundMe scam, Kate McClure Good Morning America, Kate McClure Johnny Bobbitt Mark D'Amico, Kate McClure Mark D'Amico Johny Bobbit conspiracy and theft by deception after a complaint, latest Crazy News, latest Crazy News stories, Mark D'Amico, Mark D'Amico and Kate McClure turned themselves in to Burlington County prosecutors Fake GoFundMe page, Mark D'Amico GoFundMe, Mark D'Amico GoFundMe scam, Mark D'Amico Good Morning America, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, theft by deception, United States, United States of America, USA

United Nations Aid Boss Blows Whistle On Pedophilia Within The UN

Former United Nations aid boss, Andrew Macleod, has divulged the true extent of sickening pedophilia within the UN, and it’s not pretty. He estimates that there’s at least 3,300 pedophile employees responsible for the sexual molestation and rape of 60,000 children around… Continue Reading

Current Affairs 10 Downing Street, 3300 pedophiles, 3300 pedophiles UN, 3300 pedophiles United Nations, Andrew Macleod dossier, Andrew Macleod pedophilia, Andrew Macleod UN, Andrew Macleod UN whistleblower, Andrew Macleod United Nations, Andrew Macleod United Nations whistleblower, Andrew Macleod whistleblower, Angelina Jolie, Angelina Jolie UN, Angelina Jolie United Nations, Balkans, Boris Johnson, Britain, British DFID Secretary, British DFID Secretary Priti Patel, British Prime Minster Theresa May, canada, Canadian Prime Minister, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Catholic Church, Catholic Church abuse, Catholic Church abuse scandal, Catholic Church child molesters, Catholic Church child sex abuse scandal, Catholic Church child sexual abuse, Catholic Church cover up, Catholic Church pedophile cover up, Catholic Church pedophiles, Catholic Church pedophilia, Catholic Church pedophilia cover up, Catholic Church sex abuse scandals, Catholic Church sexual abuse, Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal, child molestation, Child rape, Child Rape Scandal, child sex crimes, Child sex trafficking, Child Sex Trafficking Clinton Foundation, Child Sex Trafficking Haiti Clinton Foundation, child sex trafficking UN, child sex trafficking United Nations, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Foundation corruption, Clinton Foundation crimes, Clinton Foundation Haiti, Clinton Foundation Human Trafficking, Commons Development Select Committee, Department for International Development, DFID, Justin Trudeau, Justin Trudeau Canada, Kathmandu, Laura Silsby, Laura Silsby Clinton Foundation, Laura Silsby Haiti, Laura Silsby kidnapping, Macleod dossier, Molestation, molestation scandal, MP Conor Burns, Nepal, Nepal Kathmandu, Oxfam, Oxfam banned from Haiti, Oxfam Haiti Prostitution scandal, Oxfam Haiti scandal, Oxfam scandal, Oxfam Sex Scandal, Oxfam Sex Scandal Haiti, Pakistan, Penny Mordaunt, Peter Dalglish, Peter Dalglish arrest, Peter Dalglish arrest Nepal, Peter Dalglish arrested, Peter Dalglish pedophile, Peter Dalglish pedophilia, Peter Dalglish Street Kids International, Peter Dalglish UN, Peter Dalglish United Nations, Peter Dalglish United Nations pedophiles, Priti Patel, Pure evil the United Nations pedophiles, rape, Rwanda, Senior Tory MP Conor Burns, sex crimes, sex crimes with minors, sex trafficking, sex trafficking UN, sex trafficking United Nations, sexual crimes, sexual molestation, Stephen Twigg, Stephen Twigg Commons Development Select Committee, Street Kids International, The Storm, The Storm is here, The Storm is Upon Us, There are tens of thousands of aid workers around the world with paedophile tendencies UN pedos, Theresa May, These people are sick UN, uk, UN, UN child rape, UN child rape scandal, UN child sex crimes, UN cover up, UN Emergency Coordination Centre, UN pedophile cover up, UN pedophile scandal, UN pedophilia scandal, UN pedophilia scandal on par with Catholic Church, UN sex crimes, UN soldiers, UN Special Envoy Angelina Jolie, UN whistleblower, United Kingdom, United Nations, United Nations child molestation, United Nations child molestation scandal, United Nations child rape, United Nations child rape scandal, United Nations child sex crimes, United Nations cover up, United Nations Emergency Coordination Centre, United Nations pedophile cover up, United Nations pedophile scandal, United Nations pedophiles, United Nations pedophilia, United Nations pedophilia scandal, United Nations PizzaGate, United Nations sex crimes, United Nations soldiers, United Nations whistleblower

Hillary Clinton States “I’d Like To Be President” At New York Q&A Event

Here at Brainstain, we’re all about the occasional comedic story, and today none is better than Hillary Clinton saying at the New York ‘Recode’ Q&A event on Friday with Kara Swisher, “Well, I’d like to be President”. For us personally,… Continue Reading

Current Affairs, Politics #WalkAway, #WalkAway march, #WalkAway march in Washington DC this past weekend, #WalkAway march Washington DC, #WalkAway movement, 2016, 2016 election, 2016 presidential election, 2016 US Election, 2016 US presidential election, 92nd Street Y, African-American conservative vote, African-American vote, america, Anti-Trump Dossier, Antifa, Benghazi, Benghazi scandal, Bernie Sanders, biased mainstream media, biased mainstream news media, Black conservative vote, Broward County, Broward County Florida, Candace Owens creates Blexit campaign for black Americans leaving the Democrat party plantation, Cesar Sayoc Pipe Bomber, Cesar Sayoc pipe bomber a MK Ultra Broward county CIA mind shill, Child sex trafficking, Child Sex Trafficking Haiti Clinton Foundation, child sex trafficking rings, Child sex trafficking USA, child trafficking, child trafficking ring, child trafficking USA, Christopher Steele, Christopher Steele dossier, Christopher Steele Russia Dossier, Clinton child sex trafficking, Clinton child trafficking, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Foundation child sex trafficking, Clinton Foundation corruption, Clinton Foundation crimes, Clinton Foundation Haiti, Clinton Foundation Human Trafficking, Clinton Foundation NXIVM, Clinton human trafficking, Clinton sex trafficking, Clintons child sex trafficking, Clintons sex trafficking, Clintons trafficking, CNN fake news, Conservative speaker Candace Owens also recently created the Blexit campaign, conservative vote, Conservatives, Current Affairs, Current Affairs USA, deep state, Deep State crimes, Deep State politics, Deep State scandal, Deep State USA, Democratic Party, Democratic Party USA, democrats, Democrats need to be less civil, Democrats USA, DNC dossier, DNC Trump dossier, Donald Trump, Donald Trump dossier, Donald Trump fake dossier, Donald Trump remiss to tone up his attitude not tone it down, fake anti-Trump dossier, Fake serial bomber implemented by Deep State Democrats, Florida, Fusion GPS, Fusion GPS dossier, George Soros electronic voter fraud machines, Haiti, Haiti human trafficking, Hilary Clinton false dossier, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton 2020, Hillary Clinton 92nd Street Y, Hillary Clinton 92nd Street Y interview, Hillary Clinton 92nd Street Y Q&A, Hillary Clinton Antifa, Hillary Clinton Benghazi, Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton child sex trafficking, Hillary Clinton Democrats need to be less civil, Hillary Clinton dossier, Hillary Clinton fake dossier, Hillary Clinton Id Like to be President, Hillary Clinton interview, Hillary Clinton New York interview, Hillary Clinton New York Q&A, Hillary Clinton Pizzagate, Hillary Clinton Q&A, Hillary Clinton Recode Q&A event, Hillary Clinton Satanism and Adrenochrome, Hillary Clinton saying at the New York 'Recode' Q & A event on Friday with Kara Swisher, Hillary Clinton says "I'd Like to be President" at New York Q & A Event, Hillary Clinton treason, Hillary Clinton Uranium One, Hillary Clinton Uranium One deal, House and Senate, House and Senate USA, human trafficking, human trafficking rings, human trafficking USA, illegal immigration, illegal immigration USA, Jobs not Mobs, Jobs not Mobs Donald Trump, Kara Swisher, Laura Silsby, Laura Silsby Haiti, Laura Silsby kidnapping, Leftists, Liberals, Mainstream Media, mainstream news, mainstream news media, Mid Term Early Polls, midterm elections, midterm elections 2018, Midterm elections USA 2018, Mike Pence, New York, New York City, November midterm elections, November midterm elections 2018, NXIVM Rothchilds child sex trafficking, open borders, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh synagogue, Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooting, Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, PizzaGate, Pizzagate scandal, Politics, Politics USA, President Donald Trump, President Trump, Recode Q&A event, Red Wave, Red Wave midterm elections, Republican Party, Republican Party USA, Republicans, Republicans USA, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, serial pipe bomber, serial pipe bomber USA, sex trafficking, sex trafficking rings, Sex Trafficking USA, Steele dossier, Steele Dossier Fusion GPS, trafficking, treason, treason America, Trump, United States, United States of America, Uranium One, Uranium One deal, Uranium One deal russia, Uranium One scandal, US primaries midterms elections, USA, Vice President, Vice President Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States, Vice President of the USA, Washington DC

Melania Trump Called In Exorcist to Cleanse The White House of Demons

First Lady Melania Trump, wife of the democratically elected 45th President of The United States of America, Donald J. Trump, are both more concerned with traditional Catholic and Christian values than that of secret society cabals and elitist satanic cults,… Continue Reading

Current Affairs america, American First Lady, artistic rituals, Barack Obama, Barack Obama's Presidency, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton book, Bill Clinton My Life book, Bill Clinton UN Special Envoy Haiti, Bohemian Grove, Bush Administration, Catholic, Catholic values, Christian, Christian values, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Foundation corruption, Clinton Foundation corruption in Haiti, Clinton Foundation funding, Clinton Foundation Haiti, Clinton honeymoon, Clintons Bushs Obama Bohemian Grove, Democrat Party, Democrat Party USA, demonic pagan artefacts, demonic spirit activity, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Pope, Donald Trump Pope visit, Donald Trump religion, Donald Trump wife, elite secret societies, exorcist, First Lady Melania Trump, George Bush, George Bush Junior, George Bush senior, George Bush's Presidency, George H. W. Bush, globalist agenda, Globalist Presidencies Obama Clintons Bush, Haiti, Haiti earthquake, Haiti earthquake 2010, Haitian, Haitian Voodoo, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton “With fingers crossed, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton it was proven that she worships Moloch the massive stone pagan god statue that is stationed at Bohemian Grove, Hillary Clinton Moloch, Hillary Clinton once said that theirs was a 'Haiti-obsessed family', Hillary Clinton Wikileaks, human sacrifice, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch", I’m not going to go into that White House unless it has been completely exorcised, John Podesta, John Podesta email, John Podesta email leaks, John Podesta emails, John Podesta Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager, John Podesta pedophile, John Podesta PizzaGate, John Podesta Pizzagate pedophile, MAGA, Make America great Again, Marina Abramovic, Marina Abramovic Spirit Cooking, melania trump, Melania Trump Called In Exorcist to Cleanse The White House of Demons, Melania Trump Called In Exorcist to Cleanse The White House of Demons after Obama, Melania Trump ordered Exorcism of the White House, Moloch, Moloch pagan god, Moloch pagan god statue, Obama, Obama administration, pagan artefacts, pagan gods, Pastor Paul Begley, Pastor Paul Begley Melania Trump exorcising the white house, Paul Begley Weekend Vigilante Melania Trump cleansing of the White House, PizzaGate, PizzaGate Pedogate, Pizzagate scandal, Pope Francis, Pope Francis Donald Trump, Pope Francis Trump, President Donald Trump, President Trump, Satan, satanic, Satanic cults, satanic rituals, Satanism, Satanists, secret societies, secret society, Secret Society in the Oval office, Secretary of State, Sheila Zilinsky, spirit activity, Spirit Cooking, The First Lady, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, The Pope, The White House, They cleansed the White House, They toured the old hotel where the writer Ernest Hemingway once stayed and visited a voodoo high priest dressed in all white, Tony Podesta, Tony Podesta Pedophile, Tony Podesta PizzaGate, Trump, UN Special Envoy, UN Special Envoy Haiti, United States, United States of America, US government Shutdown Rand Paul US Senate, USA, USA secret societies, Voodoo, Washington D.C. PizzaGate PedoGate, Weekend Vigilante, Weekend Vigilante Pastor Begley, Weekend Vigilante Sheila Zilinsky, when the president allowed 40 pastors to come in to the White House and anoint him with oil and lay their hands and pray on him, White House exorcised, Wikileaks

Donald Trump Reveals Reason Why He Cancelled London Trip; Laments U.S. Imports from 3rd World

If you hadn’t already heard the really bad news, Donald J. Trump has cancelled his trip to London, since the US Embassy in London is being moved from its majestic Grosvenor Square location to south of the River Thames on Nine… Continue Reading

Politics ' only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO, 'Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for 'peanuts, 'Why are we having all these people from s***hole countries come here, , Africa, Africa continent, after eight years of Barack Obama democratic socialism, america, An invitation for a state visit has been extended and accepted, Barack Obama, Battersea Park, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Foundation corruption, Clinton Foundation funding, Clinton Foundation Haiti, Clinton Foundation's corruption Haiti Bill Clinton, Corruption of Clinton Foundation, countries in Africa, DACA, DACA Visa Lottery Democrat scam for votes, dead voters, Democrat voter fraud, Democratic, Democratic Party, Democratic socialism, Democratic voter fraud, democrats, Donald J Trump US Imports Shithole countries, Donald J. Trump took to Twitter and blasted the Obama Administration for selling the Grosvenor Square site for peanuts and for building a new one in Wandsworth for $1.2billion, Donald J. Trump took to Twitter and blasted the Obama Administration for selling the Grosvenor Square site for peanuts at £500million, Donald Trump, Donald Trump blames Obama Administration for moving US Embassy to Wandsworth, Donald Trump calls out shithole countries, Donald Trump cancels London trip, Donald Trump London, Donald Trump London Trip, Donald Trump racism, Donald Trump racist, Donald Trump Twitter, Donald Trump was clearly not happy with the arrangement of the trip and the moving of the Embassy was the final straw, Downing Street, Ed Miliband Socialist Muppet, El Salvador, February 2018, George Bush, George Bush Junior, George Bush's Presidency, Grosvenor Square, Grosvenor Square London, Grosvenor Square US Embassy being moved, Haiti, Haiti human trafficking, if you're at all familiar with London you'll know that going south of the River Thames is about as convenient and pleasant as taking a trip to the South Pole, it seemed, latest Donald Trump news, London, London Mayfair, London Trip, London Tube, london underground, Mayfair, MS-13, MS-13 hotspot, Muslim Migrants, muslim migrants in Europe, muslim migrants in Norway, muslim migrants in Sweden, Nine Elms Lane, Nine Elms Lane Wandsworth, Norway, Obama administration, Political Correctness, politically correct, Politics, Politics news, President Donald Trump, President Trump, Rex Tillerson, River Thames, Sadiq Khan Socialist Mayor, Secretary of State, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Socialism, Socialist, socialist corruption, socialist political correctness, south of the River Thames, Sweden, The DACA and the Visa Lottery Program is the Democratic Party's insurance for votes, Trump, tube, uk, unassimilated Muslim migrants, United Kingdom, United States, United States of America, US Embassy, US Embassy Grosvenor Square, US Embassy London, US Embassy UK, USA, Vauxhall, Visa Lottery Program, Voter Fraud, voter fraud scheme, Wandsworth

Mike Tyson: “Hillary Clinton is America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer”

Mike Tyson is currently testing out his one man live show in Las Vegas called Undisputed Truth 2 to small crowds, since Las Vegas is apparently pretty quiet right now. It doesn’t have anything to do with Tyson, but it may have something… Continue Reading

Breaking News, Celebrity, Comedy, Conspiracy Theory, Crime Clinton Foundation Haiti, Do you know how many of her personal bodyguards have died deaths of a premature nature, Dr. Dean Lorich suicide death, Haiti Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton body count, Hillary Clinton is America's Most Prolific Serial Killer, Hillary Clinton killer, Hillary Clinton serial killer, Hillary is America’s most prolific serial killer – bar none, How many people have the clintons killed?, John Wayne Gacy, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mandalay Bay, Mandalay bay shooting, Manson Family, Manson family ain’t nothing compared to the Clinton family, Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson on Hilary Clinton, Mike Tyson one man live show, Mike Tyson stand up, Mike Tyson stand up performance, Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth 2, Nevada, Seth Rich Murdered by Clintons DNC, She deliberately on purpose let Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans die in Benghazi, She murdered her very good friend Mr Vince Foster, suicided mysterious deaths the clintons, Ted Bundy, Ted Bundy? John Wayne Gacy? Please… that’s kiddie stuff, Twelve Clinton bodyguards have died prematurely around the Clintons, Undisputed Truth, Undisputed Truth 2, Undisputed Truth 2 Hillary Clinton body count

The Clinton Foundation “Won’t Give Back A Cent” of Harvey Weinstein’s Donations

Before last week when the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke about how he sexually abused at least 43 women over the course of many years, it was already well known to the media that Harvey was a regular contributor to The Clinton… Continue Reading

Current Affairs 2016 presidential election, Bill Clinton, Clinton, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Foundation funding, Clinton Foundation Haiti, Clinton Foundation Seth Rich, corrupt clinton foundation will not give back any money from harvey weinstein donations, Corruption of Clinton Foundation, Daily Mail Hillary Clinton, democrats, Haiti, Harvey Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein $250000, Harvey Weinstein Clinton Foundation, Harvey Weinstein donation, Harvey Weinstein donations used by Clinton Foundation to they used it all on lowering the cost of HIV medicines in developing countries, Harvey Weinstein EXPOSED, Harvey Weinstein Hillary Clinton, harvey weinstein hillary clinton democrat party donations, Harvey Weinstein money, Harvey Weinstein rape, Harvey Weinstein rapist, Harvey Weinstein scandal, Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse, Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment, Harvey Weinstein University of Southern California, Harvey Weinstein women, Harvey Weinstein's Donations, Hillary Clinton, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Seth Rich, Seth Rich assassinated, Seth Rich death, Seth Rich death conspiracy, Seth Rich murder, Seth Rich murdered, Seth Rich Wikileaks, The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Foundation "Won't Give Back A Cent" of Harvey Weinstein's Donations, The Clinton Foundation will not give back cent of harvey weinstein donations, University of Southern California, University of Southern California 5 million dollars