Parkland Student Kyle Kashuv Tells Sheriff Scott Israel to Resign

Kyle Kashuv, a true student at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida, who was there when the shooting occurred, appeared on FOX News this Sunday with Leland Vittert, to counter other Parkland students’ promoted activism regarding the need to… Continue Reading

President Donald Trump Retweets Crisis Actor Exposer Wayne Dupree

President Donald Trump recently retweeted a post from radio show host, Wayne Dupree, who four years ago tweeted that mainstream news networks used crisis actors after the Sandy Hook school shooting. All of this has cropped up amidst the recent… Continue Reading

USA Gun Control Push Has George Soros’ Fingerprints All Over It

Following on from the revelations of CNN paying crisis actors such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez, whom are not actual students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in order to conduct their “Deep State” globalist agenda of demanding gun control,… Continue Reading

The GOP & Donald Trump Announce the Fake News Award Winners of 2017

The big winners of the Fake News Awards have finally been revealed by Donald J. Trump and the GOP on Wednesday, as promised. This is an unprecedented prestigious award for the Fake News enthusiast watching public who have come to… Continue Reading

Twelve Magical Moments of 2017

As another year draws to a close, you’ve either got some mighty fine or mighty sh*t plans for this New Years Eve, nevertheless, we thought we’d now remind you of the best moments of 2017, to wrap up the year.… Continue Reading

If You Hadn’t Noticed… We’ll Be Back!

As you may have realised by now, we haven’t been very ACTIVE over the holidays, but that’s mainly down to Jesus (or? we maybe also need a break too), plus it’s due to all the countless new fans coming through to read… Continue Reading

Never Go Full Libtard

As we promised here at Brainstain, we would do our best to uncover the videos from the 8th of November, when deluded liberals joined together in packs, and screamed at the sky in protest of the one year anniversary of… Continue Reading

Congressman Vicente Gonzalez Falls for Reddit Hoax Meme Sam Hyde Live on CNN

Democratic party congressman Vicente Gonzalez, part of the Left Wing, made a humongous mistake whilst talking to CNN about who the shooter of the Sutherland Springs massacre was last night, stating initially that the shooter’s name was ‘Sam Hyde’. Yes, Vicente… Continue Reading

Liberal Media’s Claim That Russian Facebook Ads Supported Donald Trump Are Shot Down

The liberal mass media have been proven wrong yet again within regards to their (sour grapes) theory of Hillary Clinton’s epic loss in the 2016 Presidential election being down to the result of Russia having anti-Hillary ads on the social media… Continue Reading

Donald Trump Makes Amazing Speech in West Virginia

Whilst the very fake establishment news channels like the BBC and CNN harp on about the false narrative of Russian collusion in the 2016 election, where Hillary Clinton and the corrupt Democrat party lost epicly, Donald Trump held a speech… Continue Reading