Child Sex Trafficking Camp Uncovered in Tucson, Arizona

In the age of Donald Trump (God bless), the plight of war veterans and the pursuit of pedophiles through child sex trafficking rings has never been higher on any presidential agenda in history. On the campaign trail, Trump vowed to… Continue Reading

Hundreds of FBI Agents Ready to Expose James Comey & Barack Obama’s Lingering Corruption

According to the Daily Caller, several FBI agents want congressional subpoenas to testify about the agency’s problems, and serious conflicts of interest, resulting from the time of Barack Obama’s tenure, which has lingered on into Donald Trump’s presidency. The sources… Continue Reading

House Republicans Call for Criminal Prosecution of Hillary Clinton, James Comey & Obama Appointees

Yesterday something happened. Finally some good news that’s not on the mainstream news media channels, which undoubtedly specialises in only fake news these days. We’re talking of course about the bombshell of eleven house Republicans calling for criminal prosecution of… Continue Reading