Parkland Student Kyle Kashuv Tells Sheriff Scott Israel to Resign

Kyle Kashuv, a true student at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida, who was there when the shooting occurred, appeared on FOX News this Sunday with Leland Vittert, to counter other Parkland students’ promoted activism regarding the need to… Continue Reading

President Donald Trump Retweets Crisis Actor Exposer Wayne Dupree

President Donald Trump recently retweeted a post from radio show host, Wayne Dupree, who four years ago tweeted that mainstream news networks used crisis actors after the Sandy Hook school shooting. All of this has cropped up amidst the recent… Continue Reading

USA Gun Control Push Has George Soros’ Fingerprints All Over It

Following on from the revelations of CNN paying crisis actors such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez, whom are not actual students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in order to conduct their “Deep State” globalist agenda of demanding gun control,… Continue Reading

Is Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, Fidel Castro’s Love Child?

In early February, Fidel Castro’s eldest son Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart (aka Fidelito) committed suicide and left a suicide note in which he made an astonishing revelation: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was his half-brother, and a love child of the late… Continue Reading

WikiLeaks Reveals Pope Francis Was Appointed by Deep State in Catholic Spring

The lord and saviour, which nowadays can be referred to as “Wikileaks” (aside from Donald J. Trump), have recently revealed the answers to many people’s suspicions over the currently appointed head of the Catholic church, Pope Francis, after he has… Continue Reading

Melania Trump Called In Exorcist to Cleanse The White House of Demons

First Lady Melania Trump, wife of the democratically elected 45th President of The United States of America, Donald J. Trump, are both more concerned with traditional Catholic and Christian values than that of secret society cabals and elitist satanic cults,… Continue Reading

Angela Merkel Condemns Right Wing Conservative Politics

Angela Merkel made a speech on Wednesday in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum, condemning the rise of so-called right-wing populism, as she likes to call it, where as it should be called logical conservative politics. She called it… Continue Reading