Hillary Clinton’s Kill Count Rises by 71 People After Russian Plane Crash

On Sunday, a horrible plane crash occurred near Moscow, Russia. It crash landed and claimed the lives of all 71 people onboard in the process. The An-148 regional jet flight #6W703 bound for Orsk in the South Urals crash landed several… Continue Reading

Current Affairs #6W703 plane crash Moscow, #QAnon, #TheGreatAwakening, 2016 presidential election, 6W703, 6W703 plane crash, 71 killed in the plane crash near Moscow? Just to kill one person? They are getting desperate, america, America Uranium, America's Uranium, An-148 regional jet flight #6W703, Anti-Trump, Anti-Trump Dossier, Barack Obama, Barack Obama Uranium One Hillary Clinton, Chief Financial Officer of Rosatom, Christopher Steele, christopher steele anti-trump dossier, Christopher Steele spy, Clinton Democrat Initiative, Clinton State Department, deep state, Deep State Robert Mueller's special investigation into Russian meddling in the Presidential election of 2016, Deep State scandal, Deep State USA, Democratic, Democratic Party, Democratic Party USA, democrats, Democrats USA, Domodedovo airport, Donald Trump, FBI, Flight 6W703: First video from Russian plane crash site, Fusion GPS, Fusion GPS dossier, Fusion GPS in an attempt to scandalise Donald Trump before the US Presidential election in 2016 Christopher Steele dossier, GPS hired Christopher Steele who wrote the dossier to manifest a fictitious lie about Trump, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton body count, Hillary Clinton for Prison, Hillary Clinton is America's Most Prolific Serial Killer, Hillary Clinton Kill Count Reportedly Rises by 71 People After Russian Plane Crash, Hillary Clinton Kill Count Rises by 71 After Russian Plane Crash, Hillary Clinton killer, Hillary Clinton murderer, Hillary Clinton murders, Hillary Clinton news, Hillary Clinton Russia Collusion, Hillary Clinton Russian Plane Crash, Hillary Clinton serial killer, Hillary Clinton Uranium One, Hillary Clinton Uranium One deal with Russia, Hillary Clinton's Kill Count Rises by 71 People After Russian Plane Crash, Hillary Clinton's proven collusion with Russia Uranium One Deal, Ivanov Vyacheslav, Ivanov Vyacheslav Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a company called Rosatom was aboard the plane and also died, Ivanov Vyacheslav Rosatom, Jerome Corsi About Uranium One Executives With Goods On Hillary Eliminated In The Plane Crash, Killary Clinton, mining company, Nunes Memo, Obama, Obama administration, Obama administration Uranium One deal with Russia, Obama Administration Uranium One scandal, obert Mueller is also reportedly intertwined in this latest Uranium One scandal after previously flying to Russia and offering a 10 gram sample of enriched uranium to the Russians, Paul Manafort Robert Mueller FBI probe, Pilot Error the two flight recorders of the Saratov Airlines plane which seemed to have just crashed down, President Donald Trump, President Trump, Robert Mueller, Robert Mueller and his Special Counsel Investigation of Russian Interference in the Presidential Election of 2016 on instruction of the Clinton Establishment machine, Robert Mueller FBI, Robert Mueller Special Counsel, Rosatom, Rosatom company, Rosatom Uranium One, Russia, Russia Collusion, Russia Collusion fake news, Russia Plane Crash, Russian Plane Crash, Russian Plane crash Uranium One Deal Cover Up, Russian Prostitutes, Russians meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election was finally exposed as being the Clinton Foundation & Democrats selling Russia Uranium in the underreported Uranium One scandal, Saratov Airlines, Saratov Airlines plane, Saratov Airlines plane crash, Sergei Millian, Sergei Millian dead, Sergei Millian plane crash, the two flight recorders of the Saratov Airlines plane which seemed to have just crashed down to the ground for no apparent reason, there are those that have theorised that Hillary Clinton and her cronies may be behind the plane crash after it was revealed that Russian businessman Sergei Millian was aboard the plane, Trump, Trump Tower, Trump Tower wiretap, Trump-Russia collusion, United States, United States of America, Uranium One, Uranium One company, Uranium One deal, Uranium One deal russia, Uranium One deal with Russia, Uranium One mining company, Uranium One mining Company Russia, Uranium One scandal, US Presidential election, US Presidential election 2016, USA, Video of the moment when the Russian plane crashes Ан-148 An-148 С russia Saratov Airlines АМОЛЕТ

Mike Tyson: “Hillary Clinton is America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer”

Mike Tyson is currently testing out his one man live show in Las Vegas called Undisputed Truth 2 to small crowds, since Las Vegas is apparently pretty quiet right now. It doesn’t have anything to do with Tyson, but it may have something… Continue Reading

Breaking News, Celebrity, Comedy, Conspiracy Theory, Crime Clinton Foundation Haiti, Do you know how many of her personal bodyguards have died deaths of a premature nature, Dr. Dean Lorich suicide death, Haiti Clinton Foundation, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton body count, Hillary Clinton is America's Most Prolific Serial Killer, Hillary Clinton killer, Hillary Clinton serial killer, Hillary is America’s most prolific serial killer – bar none, How many people have the clintons killed?, John Wayne Gacy, Las Vegas, Las Vegas Nevada, Mandalay Bay, Mandalay bay shooting, Manson Family, Manson family ain’t nothing compared to the Clinton family, Mike Tyson, Mike Tyson on Hilary Clinton, Mike Tyson one man live show, Mike Tyson stand up, Mike Tyson stand up performance, Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth 2, Nevada, Seth Rich Murdered by Clintons DNC, She deliberately on purpose let Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans die in Benghazi, She murdered her very good friend Mr Vince Foster, suicided mysterious deaths the clintons, Ted Bundy, Ted Bundy? John Wayne Gacy? Please… that’s kiddie stuff, Twelve Clinton bodyguards have died prematurely around the Clintons, Undisputed Truth, Undisputed Truth 2, Undisputed Truth 2 Hillary Clinton body count