Why The United Kingdom Should Welcome Donald Trump With A State Visit

Today we’ve been scouring the world for some newsworthy topics, and we found something that we couldn’t agree more on, and that is that Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States of America, should be welcomed to the… Continue Reading

Why Multiculturalism in Sweden Has Been A Massive Failure. Has Socialism failed us?

So, we’re back at it again! And what better way to start off this joyous morning then by pointing out the obvious with your morning Cappuccino, and that’s that Socialist ventures in many countries such as Sweden, who are now… Continue Reading

Is The BBC A Colluded Left Wing Socialist News Network?

What happened to the British Broadcasting Corporation, better known as the BBC? Since once upon a time they were a trusted news source that produced objective news reports and showed both sides to a story. Not anymore, as they continue… Continue Reading

When Will All This Social Media Mourning Finally Rest (In Peace)?

So with the half term holiday in the UK now in session, it has been almost two weeks since 22 people died and 59 people were injured at the hands of an Islamic terrorist in Manchester. News-feeds up and down the… Continue Reading

Blame Canada: Is Canada Becoming An Islamic State?

Meet Justin Trudeau, current Prime Minister of Canada and the Canadian version of Christian Grey from the ’50 Shades of Grey’’ series. Brightestyoungthings Sexy, isn’t he? What’s there not to love about the dashing and charming 45 year old leader… Continue Reading