Kim Kardashian Praising Trump On Jimmy Kimmel Tops YouTube Trending Page

Well, wouldn’t you know it? Kim Kardashian’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live a couple of nights ago is the number one most trending video on YouTube, much to the dismay of liberal leftists and and their anti-Trump narrative, which is… Continue Reading

Jimmy Kimmel Refuses To Apologise for Blackface In The Wake of Roseanne’s Cancellation

ABC show host Jimmy Kimmel of ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’ refuses to apologise for his blackface impersonation of basketball legend, Karl Malone, in the wake of the recent cancellation of the popular ‘Roseanne’ show, after the star, Roseanne Barr, stated that… Continue Reading

‘Roseanne’ Show Cancelled by ABC; Left Wing Hypocrisy and Double Standards Permeate

It all began last night, when the hit show ‘Roseanne’, watched by some 25 million people or more in America alone, was cancelled ahead of its second season by ABC, after the not funny and extremely annoyingly voiced comedian, Wanda… Continue Reading