The Left-Wing Guide To Surviving a Nazi Zombie Apocalypse

In 2018, during these times of political unrest and social turmoil, it seems you can’t walk down the street or venture through your local friendly multicultural neighbourhood / deserted Jewish cemetery without potentially bumping into a Nazi Zombie. “They’re coming… Continue Reading

7 Alternative Things To Put On Top Of Your Christmas Tree

Christmas is literally only a few days away! If you haven’t put anything atop of your Christmas tree, then you really aren’t doing Christmas correctly. With most people choosing to place a star (representing either the Star of Bethlehem), a… Continue Reading

10 Ways How Kim Kardashian’s Cellulite Could Save Humanity

It’s been just under a week since the world first laid eyes on the unedited and untouched cellulite of Kim Kardashian’s behind. The world quite literally stood still in stunned silence and gasps of disbelief as the rear crack of the… Continue Reading

The Reappearance of Kim Kardashian’s Big Behind

It may not be the most interesting news out there, but surely it’s a concern or at the very least, a completely debatable subject. Last week, we wrote a piece about the ‘Mystery of Kim Kardashian’s Caboose‘, go ahead, take… Continue Reading