Are We The REAL Aliens?

Have you ever sat and wondered where we, as the human race, came from? You know, like the origin of our species and such? If not, maybe it’s time that you did. Are you going to just sit there and… Continue Reading

Why The United Kingdom Should Welcome Donald Trump With A State Visit

Today we’ve been scouring the world for some newsworthy topics, and we found something that we couldn’t agree more on, and that is that Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States of America, should be welcomed to the… Continue Reading

The Cato Institute’s 2017 Free Speech & Tolerance Survey Proves Why PC Culture is Wrong

Today is a day when proof of political correctness being a detrimental construct to society is finally exposed for all to see. Yes, PC culture is so wrong in so many ways, which we already knew, but now there’s the… Continue Reading

Germany Elects Chancellor Angela Merkel for 4th Term

Germany went to the polls at the weekend, and as expected, they once again elected Angela Merkel, because you know, it was the safe thing to do (eye roll).  Yes, the anti-German and pro-EU chancellor known as the “mother of… Continue Reading

Edinburgh Law Student Mocks ISIS; Investigated for Hate Crime by University

Now this is the type of story which really exposes the liberal indoctrination of the education system, coupled with moronic political correctness in the face of radical Islamic terrorism gone awry. This is the type of story that we can… Continue Reading

Why Cultural Appropriation Is A Completely Ridiculous Concept

In the times of 2016 through to 2017, the left-wing liberal media, the very pathetic “Buzzfeed” hipster communist unit and the brainwashing by the left-wing and inclusion of backwards racist activists’ that have tried to make cultural appropriation a “thing”… Continue Reading