12 Life Skills The Spice Girls Taught Us

If you were a straight girl or an in the closet internally screaming gay guy during the mid 1990’s, then the chances are that you were caught up in the cultural phenomenon that was the Spice Girls. The Spice Girls… Continue Reading

10 Ways How Kim Kardashian’s Cellulite Could Save Humanity

It’s been just under a week since the world first laid eyes on the unedited and untouched cellulite of Kim Kardashian’s behind. The world quite literally stood still in stunned silence and gasps of disbelief as the rear crack of the… Continue Reading

The Misanthropic Guide To People Hating (15 Examples Of Why Humans Suck)

Do you find yourself being unneighbourly and inhospitable towards your fellow humans? Forced to internalize internal frustrations and thoughts of death and mass killing sprees, whilst you are out in public, because of a general disdain for your work commute?  Then… Continue Reading