Feminists Don’t Want You Near them in Public… Ever!

There are three things that feminists absolutely hate and despise in 2018. Donald Trump, compliments and anything involving something which resembles the shape of the male genitalia. That includes sausages and bananas and any other suspiciously shaped object, because let’s face it,… Continue Reading

Would He-Man Be Non-Binary in 2018?!

To many Generation Z Snapchatters and Tide Pod swallowers, He-Man is that biceped blonde guy in spandex pants dancing around with some guy in a skeleton costume in the MoneySuperMarket.com commercials, but long before that, He-Man was the very definition… Continue Reading

Emma Watson Displays Grammatically Incorrect ‘Time’s Up’ Tattoo at Oscars

Maybe she was too busy working on her ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ wand stroke than her grammar at Hogwarts, but it seems everyone’s friendly neighbourhood feminist wanted to prove being illiterate wouldn’t stop her from virtue signalling that men are complete and… Continue Reading