David Hogg Rejected by Top US Colleges & Emma Gonzalez Gets Called a Communist

David Hogg is that polarised pretend teenager, who’s actually a crisis actor and a future CNN wannabe news anchor, who actually graduated from High School in Redondo Beach, California, back in 2014. Plus, David Hogg is the outspoken gun banning advocate… Continue Reading

Eagles of Death Metal Singer Calls ‘March For Our Lives’ Pathetic & Evil Eye Gloves

It’s been a full three days since the virtue signalling March for Our Lives rally spearheaded by shill puppets David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez (as well as George Clooney and Kim Kardashian), in an attempt to try and take away… Continue Reading

The 15 Most Virtue Signalling Signs At The #MarchForOurLives Rally

Hey kids, you know what time it is. It’s time to dust off those placards and channel that internal post-adolescent rage and march to the streets (again) and scream in unity and wave those fists and signs angrily in the… Continue Reading