David Hogg’s Home Raided by SWAT After Hoax Hostage Call

It had almost felt like a full fifteen minutes since David Hogg was last in the news, and yesterday, David Hogg was back in the news once again after the Broward County SWAT team swooped in on his home in… Continue Reading

David Hogg Criticised For Making Santa Fe High School Shooting About Himself

Hands up! As soon as you heard there was another high-school shooting in America, you knew that in the back of your mind that self-proclaimed gun activist and saviour of the masses, David Hogg, would pop up like a bad… Continue Reading

David Hogg Rejected by Top US Colleges & Emma Gonzalez Gets Called a Communist

David Hogg is that polarised pretend teenager, who’s actually a crisis actor and a future CNN wannabe news anchor, who actually graduated from High School in Redondo Beach, California, back in 2014. Plus, David Hogg is the outspoken gun banning advocate… Continue Reading

Eagles of Death Metal Singer Calls ‘March For Our Lives’ Pathetic & Evil Eye Gloves

It’s been a full three days since the virtue signalling March for Our Lives rally spearheaded by shill puppets David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez (as well as George Clooney and Kim Kardashian), in an attempt to try and take away… Continue Reading

Leaked David Hogg Video Exposes His True Origins

With so much fanfare, furore and relatable anger about the emergence of David Hogg in the mainstream media claiming to be a student of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, with CNN and himself lying about his origins whilst pushing a student… Continue Reading

Paul Ryan states “We Shouldn’t Be Banning Guns for Law-Abiding Citizens”

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has dashed the hopes of prominent anti-NRA Parkland students David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez by downplaying suggestions that action may be taken to introduce radical gun reforms in the wake of the Florida shootings last… Continue Reading

Parkland School Massacre Sees Mysterious Evidence Emerging

After the horrible school shooting on February 14th, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Nikolas Cruz was arrested for the massacre. Since then, tragedy, disbelief, tears and a call for a ban on guns by crisis… Continue Reading

Parkland Student Kyle Kashuv Tells Sheriff Scott Israel to Resign

Kyle Kashuv, a true student at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida, who was there when the shooting occurred, appeared on FOX News this Sunday with Leland Vittert, to counter other Parkland students’ promoted activism regarding the need to… Continue Reading