Could the Assassinated Former DNC Staffer Seth Rich Still Be Alive?

In an increasing buzz in the truther movement in the past couple of days, there have been rumours circulating that former DNC staffer on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign, Seth Rich, is still alive. Seth Rich was shot and murdered… Continue Reading

Bill Clinton Flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express 26 Times & More Info

Here’s some news that occurred a couple of weeks ago, that you may have missed, which is entirely true and to deny it, is only helping to cement yourself as a person that is living out the “ignorance is bliss”… Continue Reading

Child Sex Trafficking Camp Uncovered in Tucson, Arizona

In the age of Donald Trump (God bless), the plight of war veterans and the pursuit of pedophiles through child sex trafficking rings has never been higher on any presidential agenda in history. On the campaign trail, Trump vowed to… Continue Reading

How Russian Troll Bots Are Taking Over World Elections

With Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into potential Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential Election picking up some Fake News heat, once again (and going absolutely nowhere), we thought that we would do our own special investigation into this Russia probe… Continue Reading

Parkland School Massacre Sees Mysterious Evidence Emerging

After the horrible school shooting on February 14th, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Nikolas Cruz was arrested for the massacre. Since then, tragedy, disbelief, tears and a call for a ban on guns by crisis… Continue Reading

WikiLeaks Reveals Pope Francis Was Appointed by Deep State in Catholic Spring

The lord and saviour, which nowadays can be referred to as “Wikileaks” (aside from Donald J. Trump), have recently revealed the answers to many people’s suspicions over the currently appointed head of the Catholic church, Pope Francis, after he has… Continue Reading