UFC 214: Jon “Bones” Jones and Cris Cyborg Justino Destroy the Competition

Good morning loyal fans and newbies, welcome to Brainstain. Right here, we’re sort of like a fight club and who doesn’t like to see a good fight? Even if you might not personally like fighting yourself, that raw animal instinct… Continue Reading

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to Run for President in 2020?

Many people’s favourite actor and legendary WWE Hall of Famer, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, 45, who is known for his tireless work ethic in the film industry that has made him one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood and… Continue Reading

Should The WWE Bring Back The European Championship And Re-Brand It As The EU Title?

Should the WWE bring back the retired European Championship in a show of unity to the European Union, post Brexit? Relations with America and Europe aren’t exactly on the best of terms right now, with America’s “special relationship’’ with the… Continue Reading

10 Reasons Why WWE 2K18 Is Set To Be The Ultimate Feminist Wrestling Game

Women are no longer divas in the WWE, they are fully fledged superstars. Do you hear that you condescending and misogynistic jerks!? Women are wrestlers! They no longer compete in mud baths whilst scantily clad in stringy underwear for your amusement. They… Continue Reading

Did WWE Legend The Undertaker Retire At Wrestlemaina or Will The Deadman Rise Again?

It’s been about a week since the grandest wrestling event of the year took place. If you have been living under the confines of a rock or are indeed a socially awkward hermit, then you will know that we are… Continue Reading

WWE Superstar Paige Nude Photos and Sex Tapes Released

If you have been living under a rock like a complete and utter hermit, or are very far away from the Twittersphere, Paige, the English professional wrestler and WWE Superstar recently had her phone stolen and hacked and as a… Continue Reading