University College London (UCL), ranked 16th best university in the world, is currently suffering under the effects of sensitive snowflake syndrome, which is proving to be a continuously aggravating curse upon the modern world. On Monday, despite the heavy snow fall in London which caused many places to close due to travel disruptions, UCL decided to stay open and wanted to alert students and staff members over Twitter of the fact.
They decided to Tweet the following message out to let everyone know that they would still be open on Monday, December 11th, jokingly insinuating that there would be many people who hoped that the University would have been closed as well.

Credit: UCL/Twitter
Sadly, certain people of the student body and other people online did not take this joke lightly, claiming that the tweet was in fact racist. Misunderstanding that they were making a reference to Bing Crosby’s ‘White Christmas’ song, some students took to Twitter to voice their displeasure at the UCL, which forced them to apologise in another Tweet the following day.

Credit: AmanThakar/Twitter
Indeed, the UCL was accused by many of (accidentally) propagating racism and being pro-white in their Tweet, so as a result, University College London was forced to apologise. These times of political correctness and sensitive snowflake syndrome sure is hectic, isn’t? You have to be incredibly careful not to get people riled up over nothing that could be classed as white supremacy.

Credit: UCL/Twitter
However, thankfully there were some logical responses to this outcry. wrote: “What are you apologising for? Snow is white, it’s a fact.” Adding to it further, wrote: “Those people who are ‘offended’ are just attention seekers who aren’t incapable of doing anything useful so the only thing they can do is complain about racial prejudice.”
Perfect response, we think. Next up are some more snowflakes, but not the kind that fall from the sky as they did earlier this week…

Credit: Smera_kumar/Twitter
Tweeted: “Snowflakes get snowflaky over snow”. Well said Bongo, well said… There is hope after all in this world where everything is racist, as we’ve been heavily reporting on here at Brainstain for some time already.
A concerned father named Steve Fisher had this to add about this debacle: “I never went to university but my kids did/do. The first one thinks I’m a dinosaur and the second one I fear for. PC gone mad.”

“Surely, that must be racist!” Credit: SororityLyfe
Another man by the username tweeted: “What is wrong with you people? Who was offended by the original tweet? Get a grip on reality!”
As sad as it is, this is the face of the generation raised under Barack Obama and socialist ideals/constructs, where everyone under the politically correct umbrella, and inside sensitive safe spaces, can claim that snow being the colour white is now racist. If you haven’t read our last piece about how snow is racist, then by all means, you can read it here. You can thank us later!
To fight political correctness and the idiocy that it breeds, we must share this video to you, the reader. This is a skit from Kids in The Hall made back in 1992, and it’s such a gem 25 years later. It funnily predicted the current modern-day climate of sensitive snowflakes caught up in the moronic world of political correctness.
All we can say is that we’re glad that we don’t attend University today.
Brainstain, over and out!
<Story by The Narrator>
Featured Photo Credit: UCL