Former First Lady, Barbara Bush, wife of former President George H.W. Bush and mother of other former President George W. Bush, passed away yesterday. She was a First Lady that was much loved by her family and the American public.
Two days ago, Barbara Bush fell ill and refused medical treatment. She passed away yesterday at the age of 92. During her time as First Lady, she promoted literacy and reading across America, as well as took on issues such as homelessness, teenage pregnancy and AIDS, spreading awareness on all these issues.
She was also famous for her quick wit, in speaking her mind and remained George Bush Senior’s top adviser throughout, despite also being a remarkable mother, whose main concern was tending to her extended family.
Tributes to her have poured in from all across America today, from various high profile figures in society, showing that she was a much loved lady and will be sorely missed by all.

Bush was the wife of the 41st president, George H.W. Bush. (Pictured in 1983) Credit: Getty Images
She passed away with George Bush Senior holding her hand. Before becoming First Lady, she famously said, “What you see with me is what you get. I’m not running for president — George Bush is.” at the 1988 Republican National Convention.
President Donald Trump sent a tribute out to her, “As a wife, mother, grandmother, military spouse, and former first lady, Mrs Bush was an advocate of the American family. Amongst her greatest achievements was recognizing the importance of literacy as a fundamental family value that requires nurturing and protection. She will be long remembered to her strong devotion to country and family, both of which she served unfailingly well.”
Barack and Michelle Obama said: “Barbara Bush was the rock of a family dedicated to public service. We’ll always be grateful to Mrs Bush for the generosity she showed to us throughout our time in the White House, but we’re even more grateful for the way she lived her life – as a testament to the fact that public service is an important and noble calling; as an example of the humility and decency that reflects the very best of the American spirit.”
In 1989, Barbara Bush founded the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy in Florida, to help increase literacy levels nationwide, and she was known to care about the youth and went to support orphans born with AIDS at a Washington Hospice in the 1990’s, and later helped to promote the misunderstanding about people with AIDS to the American public.
Barbara Bush and George H.W. Bush were married for 73 years and they both raised over $1billion dollars for charities throughout their union.

George W. Bush gives his mother a hug after a family portrait session in Texas on June 10, 1999. Credit: Reuters
In 1990, Barbara Bush held a commencement speech at the all women’s Wellesly College, which was later rated in 1999 as one of the top 100 speeches of the century. She told graduates, “Cherish your human connections. At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a child, a friend or a parent.”
A year younger than her husband, George H.W. Bush, she was born Barbara Pierce on June 8, 1925, and grew up in Rye, New York. Now some say that Aleister Crowley, the world renowned occultist, poet and writer, was in fact Barbara Bush’s father, making Aleister Crowley, George W. Bush’s and Jeb Bush’s grandfather, which is something that Internet researchers have been digging up in recent years.
Aleister Crowley is of course, the forefather of Satanism, aka ‘The Great Beast 666’ as he was called, and there’s research which would suggest that Barbara Bush, born from her mother Pauline Pierce, is the daughter of the famous occultist, which sparks renewed interest into this hidden secret. Could it be true? Is Barbara Bush the daughter of Aleister Crowley and not Marvin Pierce?
Let’s take a look at this documentary snippet, which goes on to suggest that Barbara Bush, is the daughter of the creator of modern day Satanism, in Aleister Crowley.
If it’s true, could this explain some of the occultist direction of former Presidencies and the links to a New World Order whilst under political office, perhaps? Nobody knows, but Barbara Bush does share an uncanny resemblance to Aleister Crowley, doesn’t she?

Credit: BeforeIt’sNews
Now that doesn’t take away from her being a great mother and a great person, but it’s still only a conspiracy theory, but it sure does create interest and some suspicions as to the links with Satanism, the occult and the Bush family being in office, with George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush both as Presidents, since it’s widely known that occultists have often run the world in the past. Plus, let’s just say that many former Presidencies, were not without scandal, with many wars, which some deemed necessary, whilst others believe it was to serve an other means or agenda.
But, at this stage it’s just another curious conspiracy theory about Barbara Bush being a direct descendent of Aleister Crowley, right? Will we ever know the truth, even if it sits right in front of everybody’s eyes? Regardless, it’s interesting research that other people have conducted and you can learn more about Barbara Bush’s supposed lineage back to Aleister Crowley, right here. Barbara Bush was a remarkable lady and matriarch of the Bush family, with greatness in every word that she spoke.
R.I.P Barbara Bush
Story by The Narrator
Featured Photo Credit: Dallas Morning News